Jun 4Liked by Claire Tak

Thank you for sharing this. Reading your experiences with your brother helps me understand how I can try and support my younger brother throughout these next 20 years. You are a wonderful sister!

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Hi Bijan, thank you for reading. The most important thing for me is to show up in person for my brother through visits. Even if I am not the best at messaging him or picking up his calls, I make it a point to go see him. (And bring plenty of $1's for the vending machines!) I hope you can get a chance to visit your brother soon. Sending you a big hug.

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I love everything about this painfully honest, raw, transparent post. Each time you write, we get to know a little more about your brother and your family’s journey supporting a loved one in prison. Thank you for sharing and for helping us see the real experience you’re going through. What a gift you and your writing are to us all.

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Thank you Christine. I appreciate your interest in my story and my brother. It's hard because he doesn't want to change right now. That makes me not want to help him either. It's crazy how incarceration can spark so many opposing emotions for me... I feel sorry for him but I don't. I am annoyed but still love him. And on, and on and on... 🥲

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